February 2024

Here’s a turn-up for the books.

Over fifty years ago, we published Falling Asleep in America, a poem by Allen Ginsberg, in Capella magazine (with one of the explosive Jim Fitzpatrick covers which so impressed Philip Lynott).

I recalled this just recently as I contemplated taking part in an event to celebrate the publication of Material Wealth: Mining the Personal Archive of Allen Ginsberg by Pat Thomas.

Counterculture historian and archival music producer, Pat Thomas is the author of Listen, Whitey! The Sights & Sounds of Black Power 1965–1975 and Did It! Jerry Rubin: An American Revolutionary.

On Tuesday 12th March he will host an evening of stories, music, and poetry at the New Theatre in Dublin.

Accompanying Pat on the night will be;

  • Peter Hall, who runs the Allen Ginsberg Estate

  • Mike Scott (The Waterboys)

  • Catherine Ann Cullen, multi-award-winning poet and songwriter

  • Myself

Honoured to have been invited to participate, I’ve been considering something unique for the occasion. It may require some delivery assistance on the night but that idea will remain a surprise for now.

Given Allen’s connections with Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Lou Reed, Paul McCartney, Jerry Rubin of the Yippies, Patti Smith, the Clash etc, and that Pat has also compiled an album, as well as a book, from the archive, this promises to be a fascinating evening.

The Ginsberg connection is just one psychic thread in this wondrous weave. The New Theatre, where Andy Cummins staged DUSK, my CúChulainn agallamh, with a thrilling cast and director, is another.

And here we are, bringing it all back to Temple Bar. I might even see you there.

A few helpful links …


March 2024


January 2024